Martin Rolfs
Photo: SCIoI
Martin Rolfs is Heisenberg Professor for Experimental Psychology Active Perception and Cognition at HU. For SCIoI, he represents the analytic discipline psychology. His research builds on the premise that any deep understanding of sensation and perception requires studying its key processes in observers that actively explore their environment. He investigates selective processes in active vision. His research combines eye tracking, motion tracking, psychophysics, computational modeling, EEG, and studies of clinical populations.
Martin Rolfs is member of Project 01, Project 02, Project 23, Project 57.
Publications +
ERC Consolidator Grant (2019)
External Event -
Berlin Brains – Restless gaze, stable vision: SCIoI members Martin Rolfs and Nina Hanning @Zeiss Grand Planetarium Berlin
PI Lecture -
Martin Rolfs (Science of Intelligence)
Presseportal HU Berlin – December 2019 - Hochkarätige Förderung für innovative Projekte von vier Forschenden