
This is Punching Cards, the SCIoI podcast about all things intelligent


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What makes a person, a cat, a bonobo, a dolphin, an octopus, a cockatoo intelligent? What is it that these living organisms have or do, when we say that they are intelligent? And what about things, computer programmes, robots? Can they be intelligent? If so, how? If not, why not?

Follow us through six episodes of interviews, special guests, quotes, big and small questions, trivia, and curiosities to explain intelligence.


Ideas, content, and moderation by Dimitri Coelho Mollo, Aravind Battaje, Olga Shurygina, Nicolas Roth, and Benjamin Lang.
Music by Solveig Steinhardt, Dimitri Coelho Mollo, Aravind Battaje. 

Production and editing by Solveig Steinhardt and Valeria Becattini.

Season 2 is here!

Click here for the trailer

Welcome to the second season of Punching Cards. In these episodes, different teams of Master’s students who took part in Nicolas Roth and Benjamin Lang’s science communication course sat with experts and explored the latest insights in intelligence research, neuroscience, machine learning, psychology, and beyond.

Season 2


Large Language Models 

Large Language Models played an important role in AI applications before getting replaced by generative technologies like Chat GTP. In this episode, we spoke to Sepp Hochreiter, inventor of the Long Short-Term Memory model, and Alan Akbik from HU Berlin in order to better understand how these models work and the new potentialities of large languages models.

Written, recorded and produced by: Elena Natascha Bank, Erik Rubinov, Julia Marie Schramm, Gregor Voigts, and Sarah Jessica Kron.
Special Guests: Sepp Hochreiter and Alan Akbik



For this episode, we invited Katja Liebal, director of the LeipzigLab at the University of Leipzig, and Alex Kacelnik, head of the Behavioural Ecology Research Group at the University of Oxford, to join us in a conversation about strategies to deal with research biases linked to anthropomorphism – the tendency to see human characteristics in non-human entities-, as well as comparative psychology and behavioural biology more broadly.

Written, recorded and produced by: Maximilian Alex, Paul-Lukas Bergmann, Baris Can Colak, Oskar Felix Kupke
Special Guests: Katja Liebal and Alex Kacelnik


Human Universals

How can we address variations amongst human intelligence, cognitive strategies and skills? Can we draw conclusions in psychology that are valid for everyone? We had an inspiring conversation about human universals with Asifa Majid, professor of cognitive science at the University of Oxford and a fellow of St. Hugh’s College, and Rasha Abdel Rahman, professor at Humboldt University of Berlin and psychologist specialized in neurocognitive psychology.

Special Guests: Asifa Majid and Rasha Abdel Rahman

Season 1

Human Intelligence

When we talk about intelligence, we often mean human intelligence. But what is that? How can we study it? In this episode, we try to understand and define human intelligence.

With: Dimitri Coelho Mollo, Aravind Battaje, and Olga Shurygina.
Special Guests: John-Dylan Haynes and Matthias Ziegler.

Animal Intelligence

In this episode, we are impressed by the craftsmanship of cockatoos, discuss whether apes use language, and learn about the pitfalls of testing animal intelligence.

With: Nicolas Roth, Benjamin Lang, and Olga Shurygina.
Special Guests: Richard Moore and Alice von Auersperg.

Artificial Intelligence

Now that we kind of know what we mean by intelligence, can we actually build it? What do we need in order to do that? In this episode, we discuss computers, robots, and a surprising paradox in Artificial Intelligence.

With: Dimitri Coelho Mollo, Nicolas Roth, and Olga Shurygina.

Special Guests: Lisa Miracchi and Oliver Brock.

Collective Intelligence

What’s more intelligent, the ant or the ant colony? How do beehives and flocks of birds display their incredibly complex behaviors? And do those count as intelligent? In this episode we will find out how intelligence may emerge from collections of individuals, from ants to humans.

With: Dimitri Coelho Mollo, Aravind Battaje, Solveig Steinhardt.
Special Guests: Guy Theraulaz and Jens Krause.

Evolution of Intelligence

Where does intelligence come from? Where is it going? In this episode, we talk about the biological and cultural aspects that may be behind the evolution of intelligence.

With: Dimitri Coelho Mollo, Olga Shurygina, Solveig Steinhardt.
Special Guests: Cecilia Heyes and Ali Boyle.

Boundaries of Intelligence

“Plants, cells, and other organisms do very impressive things, but we tend not to call them intelligent. Is that a mistake? In the final episode of this season, we ask: What are the boundaries of intelligence?”

With: Dimitri Coelho Mollo, Nicolas Roth, Solveig Steinhardt.
Special Guests: Paco Calvo and Michael Levin.


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