Guillermo Gallego
Photo: SCIoI
Guillermo Gallego is Professor of Robotic Interactive Perception at Technische Universität Berlin and Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF). For SCIoI, he works on computer vision and robotics. He focuses on robot perception and on optimization methods for interdisciplinary imaging and control problems. Inspired by the human visual system, he works toward improving the perception systems of artificial agents, endowing them with intelligence to transform raw sensor data into knowledge, to provide autonomy in changing environments.
Guillermo Gallego is member of Project 36.
Publications +
Outstanding Associate Editor (IEEE Robotics Automation Letters, 2021)
All electronics – June 2023 - Neue Art von Kamera bringt Robotern das menschliche Sehen bei
Tu Berlin – June 2023 - Eventkameras: eine völlig neue Art zu fotografieren
Der Tagesspiegel – November 2020 - Roboter mit Sinn für Orientierung