Dominik Deffner

Postdoctoral Researcher

Dominik is an evolutionary and computational behavioral scientist with a background in Psychology and Anthropology. His research broadly focuses on the individual-level learning processes and population-level social dynamics underlying human collective intelligence and adaptation. He mostly uses behavioral group experiments, computational and statistical modeling as well as formal mathematical theory. After a Master’s at the University of St. Andrews and a PhD at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, he now studies how human (and robotic) groups collectively balance individual and social information use (Project 34).


SCIoI Publications:

Tump, A., Deffner, D., Pleskac, T., Romanczuk, P., & Kurvers, R. (2023). A cognitive computational approach to social and collective decision-making. OSF.
Mezey, D., Deffner, D., Kurvers, R. H., & Romanczuk, P. (2023). Visual social information use in collective foraging. BioRxiv.
Deffner, D., Kandler, A., & Fogarty, L. (2022). Effective population size for culturally evolving traits. Plos Computational Biology.
Deffner, D., Mezey, D., Kahl, B., Schakowski, A., Romanczuk, P., Wu, C. M., & Kurvers, R. (2023). Collective incentives reduce over-exploitation of social information in unconstrained human groups. PsyArXiv.
Deffner, D., Rohrer, J., & McElreath, R. (2022). A Causal Framework for Cross-Cultural Generalizability. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science.
Deffner, D., & McElreath, R. (2022). When does selection favor learning from the old? Social learning in age-structured populations. Plos One.
Breen, A., & Deffner, D. (2023). Leading an urban invasion: risk-sensitive learning is a winning strategy. BioRxiv.