Aravind Battaje

Photo: SCIoI
Aravind Battaje is a PhD student with SCIoI and a member of the Robotics and Biology Laboratory. His research interest is in the intersection of robotics, computer vision, machine learning/optimization, and neuroscience. At SCIoI, he works on robotic interactive perception, and plans to develop perceptual information processing systems that can inform and get informed by visual processing principles in humans. Aravind received his MS from Georgia Tech, Atlanta, where he worked with Byron Boots on developing part of perception stack for AutoRally – a platform for experimenting with aggressive autonomous driving. Before that, he worked as a Computer Vision engineer for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems at Robert Bosch. At SCIoI, Aravind Battaje is working on Project 02, “Capabilities and consequences of recursive, hierarchical information processing in visual systems.”
Aravind Battaje is member of Project 02.
Publications +
Thursday Morning Talk -
Aravind Battaje (Science of Intelligence), “A study on human and robot perception and the architecture of perceptual information processing”
Thursday Morning Talk -
Aravind Battaje and Vito Mengers, “Principles at Play: What is Intelligence?”
For the public -
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2021: The SCIoI Science Pub Quiz
Nature Index Germany – November 2020 - Clusters of Excellence: the new ‘brains trusts’ of German science