What are Futures Made of? The “CollActive Materials” project has started

The month of May brings us the first event of the the experimental laboratory CollActive Materials, a joint project of the Berlin Clusters of Excellence Matters of Activity – Image Space Material and Science of Intelligence. In this project, society and science speculate together about the materials of tomorrow: What might they look like or feel like? Could they be more active or more intelligent than the materials of today? By trying things out together, the speculators develop new future scenarios, stories and objects and invite discussion of various conceivable futures.

In workshops and events, participants are invited to think about new material futures. Therein, current debates about ecological and geopolitical challenges play just as much a role as new developments in robotics and collective intelligence.

The experimental lab is funded under the Excellence Strategy of the Federal Government and the Länder by the Berlin University Alliance and is led by Léa Perraudin and Martin Müller, coordinated by Kristin Werner and Eva Bullermann, with Claudia Mareis, Wolfgang Schäffner, Oliver Brock, Antje Nestler, and Solveig Steinhardt as investigators.

Stay tuned for more information about our first event, happening at Mall Anders!


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