SCIoI Alumni

Martin Maier

Postdoctoral Researcher

Experimental Psychology

HU Berlin


Photo: SCIoI

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Martin Maier

Martin Maier

Photo: SCIoI

Martin Maier worked as a postdoctoral researcher in SCIoI project 08, “Knowledge-augmented face perception,” bridging the gap between human and synthetic face processing. Martin’s aim at SCIoI was to create novel paradigms to explore how humans and machines can draw on prior knowledge and context to improve visual perception. Martin’s previous work revealed influences of language on fundamental aspects of perception and was awarded by the Cognitive Science Society with the prestigious Glushko Dissertation Prize, as well as the ‘Dissertationspreis Adlershof’.


Martin Maier is member of Project 08.

Leonhardt, A., Maier, M., & Abdel Rahman, R. (2021). The impact of affective knowledge on the perception and evaluation of robot faces. 5th Virtual Social Interactions (VSI) Conference.
Halawa, M., Blume, F., Bideau, P., Maier, M., Abdel Rahman, R., & Hellwich, O. (2024). Multi-Task Multi-Modal Self-Supervised Learning for Facial Expression Recognition. IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference Workshops (CVPRW) 2024.
Maier, M., Frömer, R., Rost, J., Sommer, W., & Abdel Rahman, R. (2022). Linguistic and semantic influences on early vision: evidence from object perception and mental imagery. Cognitive Neuroscience of Language Embodiment and Relativity.
Maier, M., Blume, F., Bideau, P., Hellwich, O., & Abdel Rahman, R. (2022). Knowledge-Augmented Face Perception: Prospects for the Bayesian Brain-Framework to Align AI and Human Vision. Consciousness and Cognition, 101.
Maier, M., Leonhardt, Alexander, & Abdel Rahman, R. (2022). Bad robots? Humans rapidly attribute mental states during the perception of robot faces. KogWis 2022.


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