Florian Bolenz

Postdoctoral researcher
mail: florian.bolenz@scioi.de

Florian Bolenz is a psychologist and cognitive scientist. He studies human decision making using behavioral experiments, computational modeling and machine learning. At SCIoI, he investigates how humans select between different strategies when making decisions under risk (Project 22). Florian received his PhD at Technische Universität Dresden where he did research on lifespan age difference in the dynamic adaptation of reinforcement-learning strategies.


SCIoI Publications:

Ruel, A., Bolenz, F., Li, S.-C., Fischer, A., & Eppinger, B. (2022). Neural evidence for age-related deficits in the representation of state spaces. Cerebral Cortex. https://doi.org/10.1093/cercor/bhac171
Eppinger, B., Ruel, A., & Bolenz, F. (2023). Diminished State Space Theory of Human Aging. Perspectives on Psychological Science. https://doi.org/10.1177/17456916231204811
Bolenz, F., Profitt, M., Stechbarth, F., Eppinger, B., & Strobel, A. (2022). Need for cognition does not account for individual differences in metacontrol of decision making. Scientific Reports. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-12341-y
Bolenz, F., & Pachur, T. (2022). Exploring the structure of predecisional information search in risky choice. Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2297–2302. https://escholarship.org/content/qt4fx494f9/qt4fx494f9.pdf
Bolenz, F., & Pachur, T. (2023). Older Adults Select Different But Not Simpler Strategies Than Younger Adults in Risky Choice. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/9vhy8
Bolenz, F., & Eppinger, B. (2022). Valence bias in metacontrol of decision making in adolescents and young adults. Child Development. https://doi.org/10.1111/cdev.13693