
David Mezey

Doctoral Researcher

Theoretical Biology

HU Berlin




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David Mezey

David Mezey

Photo: SCIoI

David got a Master’s degree in the field of Computational Neuroscience at the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin. In his Master’s thesis he demonstrated that bio-inspired, fully vision-based, flocking algorithms can serve as robot controllers in mobile robots to produce dynamic flocking behaviors similar to those observed in natural groups (e.g. fish, birds). His main research interests are technical solutions inspired by natural systems, collective intelligence and swarm robotics. At SCIoI he works as a doctoral researcher for Project 34, in the group of Pawel Romanczuk in close cooperation with the Max Planck Institute for Human Development (Dominik Deffner, Ralf Kurvers) and with the University of Lübeck (Heiko Hamann). As a doctoral researcher, he tries to gain insights on how social and private information is balanced during collective problem solving in human groups and how these weighing strategies can be synthesized as swarm robotic applications.


David Mezey is member of Project 34.

Mezey, D., Deffner, D., Kurvers, R. H., & Romanczuk, P. (2024). Visual social information use in collective foraging. PLoS Computational Biology, 20, 1–24.
Deffner, D., Mezey, D., Kahl, B., Schakowski, A., Romanczuk, P., Wu, C. M., & Kurvers, R. (2024). Collective incentives reduce over-exploitation of social information in unconstrained human groups. Nature Communications.
Mezey, D., Bastien, R., Zheng, Y., McKee, N., Stoll, D., Hamann, H., & Romanczuk, P. (2024). Purely vision-based collective movement of robots. arXiv.


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