SCIoI participates in Brain Awareness Week

Brain Awareness Week is the global campaign to increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research. It unites the efforts of partner organizations from around the world in a week-long celebration of the brain every year.

This year, Brain Awareness Week takes place on 15–19 March, and SCIoI will be participating with two events:

The first, on 18 March at 5pm, is organized by Scholar Minds and in collaboration with Science of Intelligence and the Berlin School of Mind and Brain. The event, “Becoming Aware Through Mindfulness,” aims to help PhD students by raising their awareness on mental health struggles related to their doctorate and introduce you to a tool to become more resilient: mindfulness. Mindfulness expert Dr. Simon Guendelman will present the concept and introduce the latest findings from (neuroscientific) research. On top on that, he will take us on a little journey to become more aware about ourselves through mindfulness.

The second event, “Visual Illusions and Perception,” is a lab demonstration on optical illusions organized by SCIoI + Active Perception and Cognition Lab ( In this talk, the general public will experience first-hand how our eyes can play tricks on us, and learn about how our brain processes various types of visual information.


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