Julten Abdelhalim on her role as SCIoI’s Academic Coordinator

Julten Abdelhalim joined SCIoI last October as the cluster’s Academic Coordinator. We’ve had a chat with her to find out more about her role.


You are responsible for the academic program at SCIoI. What does that mean to you?

At SCIoI, I support both the doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in all aspects of their research and study. The Graduate Program offers its doctoral students an individually tailored ‘SCIoI Qualification Program’ in which interdisciplinary expertise is coupled with personal skill development where management, leadership, methodological and social skills are acquired through teaching, supervision of masters and bachelors’ theses, public outreach, and other academic activities like presenting at conferences and organizing workshops.

What will be your main activities this year?  Any projects you are particularly excited about?

This year, the main activities I am in charge of – and absolutely looking forward to! – are the Scientific Networking Days (three days of project presentations and networking,) the kickoff and admission symposium for the new cohorts, and organizing new soft skill courses designed to meet SCIoI researchers’ needs.

What is your background, and why did you come to SCIoI?

I did my PhD in political science and I have a long trajectory in interdisciplinary social science research. I was fascinated by SCIoI’s unique research agenda and I found the position as an academic coordinator matching my interests in promoting excellent standards and best practices in supporting early-career researchers in German academia.

What are the biggest challenges you face on a daily basis?

Dealing with bureaucracy is for sure the biggest challenge, especially when you are aiming at structural changes.

The best part about working at SCIoI?

The diversity of projects, people, ambitions, and tasks. You definitely never get bored here.

What do you like to do when you are not at the cluster?

I love fusion cooking, learning languages or practicing the ones I speak, and definitely being at the sea.



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