Research Assist­ant (PostDoc) - salary grade E13 TV-L Ber­liner Hoch­schu­len

Ref. VI-59/21. Closing date 26.02.2021.
Full time. Part-time employment may be possible.

Working field

Research in the pro­ject “Meth­od­o­logy of the Syn­thetic Approach“, which invest­ig­ates the col­lab­or­a­tion between nat­ural sci­ent­ists an engin­eers in the Clusters of Excel­lence “Sci­ence of Intel­li­gence”:

  • Pre­par­a­tion, con­duct and ana­lysis of expert inter­views and field obser­va­tions
  • Con­tent ana­lysis of text doc­u­ments
  • Pre­par­a­tion of case stud­ies
  • Pre­par­a­tion of present­a­tions and pub­lic­a­tions
  • Exchange within the Cluster of Excel­lence “Sci­ence of Intel­li­gence”


  • Suc­cess­fully com­pleted uni­versity degree (Mas­ter, Dip­lom or equi­val­ent) and PhD in soci­ology
  • Skills/exper­i­ence in the fol­low­ing areas: sci­ence and tech­no­logy stud­ies; research exper­i­ence in con­duct­ing and ana­lyz­ing expert inter­views, par­ti­cipant obser­va­tion, and/or eth­no­graphic research
  • Very good writ­ten and spoke Eng­lish; good com­mand of Ger­man required or the will­ing­ness to learn them is expec­ted


  • Social sci­ence research with or about engin­eer­ing sci­ence

Application procedure:

Please send your applic­a­tion with the ref­er­ence num­ber and the usual doc­u­ments only by email to Iwona Wieczorek (

By sub­mit­ting your applic­a­tion via email you con­sent to hav­ing your data elec­tron­ic­ally pro­cessed and saved. Please note that we do not provide a guar­anty for the pro­tec­tion of your per­sonal data when sub­mit­ted as unpro­tec­ted file. Please find our data pro­tec­tion notice acc. DSGVO (Gen­eral Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion) at the TU staff depart­ment homepage: or quick access 214041.

To ensure equal oppor­tun­it­ies between women and men, applic­a­tions by women with the required qual­i­fic­a­tions are expli­citly desired. Qual­i­fied indi­vidu­als with dis­ab­il­it­ies will be favored. The TU Ber­lin val­ues the diversity of its mem­bers and is com­mit­ted to the goals of equal oppor­tun­it­ies.

Tech­nis­che Uni­versität Ber­lin – Der Präsid­ent – Fak­ultät VI, Insti­tut für Sozi­olo­gie, FG Tech­nik- und Innov­a­tionssozi­olo­gie, Prof. Dr. Ingo Schulz-Schaef­fer, Sekr. FH 9-1, Fraunhofer­str. 33-36, 10587 Ber­lin