The SCIOI Committees

SCIoI has established the following committees, which assist the Executive Board on various matters:


The Admissions committee is responsible for admissions, from the application process and selection of candidates to the organisation of the admissions symposium and interviews.

Curriculum Development

The Curriculum Development committee supports the PhDs and Postdocs in their development as scientists through advice and consulting.


The Doctoral committee runs the PhD program’s administrative process, also deciding which courses should be taken by PhD candidates.

Equal Opportunities

The Equal Opportunity committee manages SCIoI’s diversity-related statistics in the attempt to maintain a balanced diversity within the cluster. It also offers advice and assistance on equal opportunities matters.

Ethical Responsibilities

The Ethical Responsibility committee is responsible for maintaining awareness about ethical themes and is the first point of contact for ethical questions. It also measures our projects’ ethical impact and organises the meetings of the Ethics Advisory Board.

Quality Assurance

The Quality Assurance committee sets the quality standards for our talks and publications and gives the scientists guidelines to make sure these standards are met.

Research Data

The Research Data committee creates guidelines and structures for our scientists to assist them in the collection of data and to promote Open Science.

Team Advancement

The Team Advancement committee promotes communication between the different teams at SCIoI and meets several times a year to organise team events for PhDs and Postdocs. It also works on connecting the different committees and manages their thematic overlaps.


An overview of our scientific work

See our Research Projects