6 o’clock with SCIoI at the Berlin Science Week

With its 10 days of exciting conferences and talks, the Berlin Science Week is quickly approaching on 1–10 November. This year, SCIoI will participate with a series of five Zoom talks called “6 o’clock with SCIoI”. In the first talk on 4 November, our PI Alex Kacelnik (University of Oxford) will take us on a fascinating journey through the understanding of intelligence in humans, animals (and birds in particular) and robots. On 6 November, Marc Toussaint will provide insights on how AI makes us rethink our intelligence: Are we optimal or rational? Are we creative? And why should we care to think? On Saturday 7 November, Pawel Romanczuk and Ralf Kurvers will have a dialogue on swarm intelligence in fish and humans, also exploring when collectives make good decisions, and when they go wrong.
On 9 November Michael Pauen will take the AI topic further, attempting to answer questions such as whether human and artificial intelligence can be compared at all, and on the 10th we will be listening to an ethical overview of the AI question, led by Dimitri Coelho Mollo, Lynn Schmittwilken, Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer, and Rainer Mühlhoff.
All events take place at 6 pm. Zoom links are activated through the Berlin Science Week.


4 November, 6pm: Alex Kacelnik: Are we more like we think they are, or are they more like we think we are?
6 November, 6pm: Marc Toussaint: How AI makes us rethink our intelligence
7 November, 6pm: Pawel Romanczuk and Ralf Kurvers: Collective intelligence or collective stupidity?
9 November, 6pm: Michael Pauen:Is artificial intelligence intelligent?
10 November, 6pm: Dimitri Coelho Mollo, Lynn Schmittwilken, Rainer Mühlhoff, Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer: Living with AI, past, present and future.



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