Lab Manager, sup­port for syn­thetic research, salary grade E13 TV-L

The Tech­nis­che Uni­versität Ber­lin invites applic­a­tions for 2 lab man­ager pos­i­tions for the Cluster of Excel­lence Sci­ence of Intel­li­gence.
What are the prin­ciples of intel­li­gence, shared by all forms of intel­li­gence, whether arti­fi­cial or bio­lo­gical, whether robot, com­puter pro­gram, human, or animal? And how can we apply these prin­ciples to cre­ate intel­li­gent tech­no­logy?
Answer­ing these ques­tions in an eth­ic­ally respons­ible way is the prin­cipal sci­entific object­ive of the Cluster of Excel­lence Sci­ence of Intel­li­gence. The cluster brings together research­ers from a vari­ety of ana­lyt­ical and syn­thetic dis­cip­lines – arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, machine learn­ing, con­trol, robot­ics, com­puter vis­ion, beha­vi­oural bio­logy, psy­cho­logy, edu­ca­tional sci­ence, neur­os­cience, and philo­sophy – who join forces to cre­ate a multi-dis­cip­lin­ary research pro­gram across uni­versit­ies and research insti­tutes in Ber­lin. The inter­dis­cip­lin­ary research pro­jects com­bine ana­lytic and syn­thetic research and which address key aspects of indi­vidual, social, and col­lect­ive intel­li­gence.

Working field

  • inde­pend­ent and self-reli­ant lab man­age­ment for inter­dis­cip­lin­ary sci­entific exper­i­ments with the oppor­tun­ity to explore new tech­no­lo­gies in sev­eral sci­entific dis­cip­lines
  • expan­sion of labor­at­ory equip­ment, pro­cure­ment and assembly of labor­at­ory equip­ment, com­mis­sion­ing of new equip­ment, invest­ment plan­ning
  • con­cep­tual devel­op­ment of exper­i­mental setups for the study of intel­li­gent beha­vior in syn­thetic and bio­lo­gical agents
  • inde­pend­ent imple­ment­a­tion and eval­u­ation of com­plex sci­entific exper­i­ments in the con­text of intel­li­gence research and vari­ous dis­cip­lines
  • net­work and server admin­is­tra­tion


  • suc­cess­fully com­pleted uni­versity degree (Mas­ter, Dip­lom or equi­val­ent) in com­puter sci­ence, com­puter engin­eer­ing or elec­trical engin­eer­ing, or a related field
  • struc­tured and ana­lyt­ical work­ing method, advanced sci­entific know­ledge, pro­ject man­age­ment exper­i­ence
  • know­ledge of the oper­a­tion and beha­vior of mobile manip­u­lat­ors, humanoid robots, EEG devices, mag­netic res­on­ance tomo­graphy, VR setups, motion cap­ture sys­tems, cam­era sys­tems, com­pute clusters, net­works, data archives, met­ro­logy
  • exper­i­ence in device pro­cure­ment
  • IT know­ledge (PC soft­ware and hard­ware, com­puter net­work)
  • excel­lent soft­ware know­ledge (Bash / Unix-Shell, Java, PHP, R, Mat­lab, Scalib)
  • exper­i­ence in soft­ware engin­eer­ing is an advant­age
  • very good Eng­lish lan­guage skills; Ger­man lan­guage pro­fi­ciency is an advant­age but not required

Application procedure

Applic­a­tions should include: motiv­a­tion let­ter, cur­riculum vitae, tran­scripts of records (for both BSc and MSc), cop­ies of degree cer­ti­fic­ates (BSc, MSc, PhD if applic­able), abstracts of Bach­elor-, Mas­ter- and (if applic­able) PhD-thesis, list of pub­lic­a­tions and one selec­ted manuscript (if applic­able), two names of qual­i­fied per­sons who are will­ing to provide ref­er­ences, and any doc­u­ments can­did­ates feel may help us assess their com­pet­ence.

To ensure equal oppor­tun­it­ies between women and men, applic­a­tions by women with the required qual­i­fic­a­tions are expli­citly desired. Qual­i­fied indi­vidu­als with dis­ab­il­it­ies will be favored. The TU Ber­lin val­ues the diversity of its mem­bers and is com­mit­ted to the goals of equal oppor­tun­it­ies.

Closing date: 17.04.2020
The legally binding job advertisement can be found at TU Berlin’s Stellenportal.