Thorsten Pachur

External PI
Technische Universität München, Psychology
phone: +49 30 82406 335

Thorsten Pachur is a psychologist. He studies the cognitive foundations of decision making. In particular, he is interested in understanding how the human mind, given informational and computational constraints, can master an uncertain world.

At SCIoI, Thorsten works on Project 22, Project 30.


SCIoI Publications:

Pachur, T. (2022). Strategy selection in decisions from givens: Deciding at a glance? Cognitive Psychology.
Bolenz, F., & Pachur, T. (2022). Exploring the structure of predecisional information search in risky choice. Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2297–2302.
Bolenz, F., & Pachur, T. (2023). Older Adults Select Different But Not Simpler Strategies Than Younger Adults in Risky Choice. PsyArXiv.